Friday, February 15, 2008

The Imagination of Hannah and Micah

Hannah has turned into a typical four year old overnight. She has begun telling these crazy stories. The other day she told us a long time ago she would eat pizza in Ethiopia (FYI there is no pizza in Ethiopia). Micah was sure to correct her as any good big brother would.

They were both playing with their flashlights in the dark living room after dinner the other night. They were trying to catch a tiger that was in Kurt's office eating everything. We told them to hurry up and catch it, they said they were too scared.

Micah and Hannah love to play puzzles, unfortunately we are missing at least two pieces in every puzzle they own. So they figured out that a super big monster comes into the play room and eats the pieces. He's now called the puzzle monster.

Snow Day

On Wednesday we had a snow day from school, and there was really snow on the ground. The school district loves to call random days snow days even if there is no snow. We went outside before even eating breakfast to play in it. The kids who are always cold and say they want to live in San Diego where it's warm, kept saying they were not too cold and could stay out and play in the snow. The funniest part was having to explain to them it was okay to catch the snowflakes in their mouths. Once they asked if it was okay to eat they were running all around trying to catch it in their mouths. Micah kept saying that he would make a big snowman tomorrow when more snow came. He was sad when I explained to him that we lived in Tennessee and the snow would be gone by lunch time. :(


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

It is absolutley amazing what you have accomplished. I wish you and your family nothing but the best.