Thursday, February 5, 2009

Healthy Eating

So we bring the kids to America and show them all the fast food possibilities. Then we take them away and revert to more healthy eating habits. For example we ditched the Jif and are now using natural Peanut Butter, which I must say is surprisingly good. The kids are saying great things about all the new organic food we're buying far so good. However the other night I made chicken with cauliflower. They were fighting to get it down...although they didn't say it you could definitely tell it was not their favorite dinner we've had. Our diets have been changed for about a week and it seems like I already have more energy through out the day. My next goal is to stop drinking Coke Zero, I'm down to one glass a day.

1 comment:

Erika said...

Stacey, This is great! Thanks for the pictures. It's great to see the kids and to know what's going on with you guys.
Blessings and prayers,