Tuesday, December 21, 2010

God is bigger than the Boogie Man

I have struggled with anxiety my whole life. I worry about everything from feeling inadequate as a mom, wife, daughter, and professional to fearing a tragedy will take away someone I love. My anxiety peaked on August 7th, 2009 when I learned that I was going to die if I did not deliver an under developed Elijah. At that moment I told the doctor, do whatever you have to my kids at home cannot lose another mom. That is the only day I can recall that the peace of God coming upon me as intensely and immediately that all anxiety left my body.

The past two weeks I have been reminding myself over and over that yes God is Bigger than the Boogie Man in hopes that the anxiety will lessen. I flew to San Diego two weeks ago after buying a plane ticket an hour before the flight was departing because my Grandfather was in the ICU. After my week long stay my grandfather improved enough to get out of ICU, he is still in the hospital due to surgical complications. Four days after getting back home I got sick. After four doctors appts and a trip to the ER I am starting to feel better six days later. In the midst of this chaos I have been finishing finals.

Today while checking blogs I saw that two of the families from our agency, CWA, have been told they will not be traveling next week for their Embassy appointments. The US Embassy has required more paperwork from the original orphanage. It is unclear when they will get this paperwork and therefore when these families will be able to go get their kids. I can feel my anxiety rising as I write this...just remember "God is Bigger than the Boogie Man."

Here are my updated prayer requests:

1. God to take away my anxiety.
2. We will get an Embassy Date of Jan 11, 2011
3. Healing for my Grandfather and peace for my Mom.
4. For the other families with kids waiting for them in ET that they will travel to go get them soon.
5. Micah and Hannah will be reminded of our love for them.

Thank you!


ABCDMomma said...

Such an honest post friend. Love you. Love your heart. Praying.

This Is Stupid said...

Like Joanna said, love your honesty, and love hearing you tell your story. I pray that one day you will be able to look back at all of this and say "Praise God for what HE has done!"