Monday, October 22, 2007

good child vs. not so good child

Kurt and I have been waiting for the other shoe to drop. As of Saturday, it did! Hannah has been testing the boundaries again and again. It is just like how she behaved while we were in Ethiopia. We tell her no, and she does it anyway. She spent the majority of her weekend in trouble. Micah on the other hand is being very good. He is of course sure to point that out as Hannah is taking the walk to the time out chair. The worst incident occurred at our agency's annual picnic. We were all sitting at a picnic talbe eating dinner. Hannah thought it would be a good idea to vigoriously shake her head with a mouth FULL of food. Oh yeah, our soical worker was sitting with us. This is an old behavior. She used to do it all the time while we were in country. I started counting, she continued to do it until I got to 2. Thankfully she stopped. I have decided that she likes the attention she gets from having bad behavior. The most frustrating part is that she is so cute, that most people around us when she is acting out think it's adorable. She sucks up all the glances and smiles. UGH!!!!

This morning I was leaving with the kids to take Micah to school. Kurt was working in the office. this is what transpired

I yelled," good-bye Kurt"
Hannah, "good-bye Kurt"
I said," Hannah you don't call Daddy that, you say Daddy."
Hannah, "okay, good-bye Kurt."
Kurt said," You can leave her here in time out."
Me, "Thanks, Hannah go to time out."

So frustrating. Micah just looked at me with raised eye brows as if to say, "oh well."

1 comment:

CrouseHouse said...

Hello Kneeshaw Family!!! I am so excited Judy gave me the web address to your blog. I have enjoyed reading it and catching up on everything. What a great idea. I am so excited for you guys - I know you will have many rough days ahead of you... but many more glorious ones!

I am learning to say "Good days" and "NOT so good days". Last weekend Caleb (now 2) was being sneaky boy and got the brand new bottle of Chocolate Syrup off the counter and emptied it out on the carpet while sitting in it rubbing it into the carpet with his fingers and heels......needless to say my carpet has a lasting memory of the event too!