Monday, October 29, 2007

Why are we wearing these????

So yesterday we offically put the kids in their Halloween costumes. They had ran around the house with them on, but had yet to have all the parts on at once. In preparation for the church Fall Festival we woke them up from their naps to get them ready to go. Micah is Captain Hook (without a hat because when we tried it on in the store he said no and threw it on the floor) and Hannah is Tinkerbell ( without wings because I bought them and now I have absotluetly NO IDEA where I hid them). FYI neither of them have any idea what they are dressed up as. We told them they would get candy, so they were ready to go.

We arrive at the Festival. The kids stand staring at this person in a giant dog costume. They weren't scared just a little suprised. Of course when someone asked them what they were, they got a blank stare in response. Both of them played every game and went on every jumpy thing. They were sure to pick up tons of candy at each booth. Micah went with Kurt to play a tossing game, when he finished he leaned over the candy bin and grabbed as much candy as he could possibly hold... I'm sure there was some rule about how much you could take but no one told him no. Kurt's cargo pants were full of candy because as new parents who have no idea what were doing half the time we forgot a bag to put their candy in...poor Kurt!

Micah was being particularly funny last night. He saw a balloon get let go and go up to God (how Micah put it). He told Kurt he wanted to let his go. So he let it go, Kurt caught it, Micah laughed, he let it go again, Kurt caught it Micah laughed, he took the balloon back walked away from Kurt and said, "Please, Daddy no." Micah let it go one final time and it went up to God too.

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