Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I'm a Slacker

I cannot believe I have not posted since March. So here's the update on our lives.

We are expecting child number 3. I am pregnant! I am due on December 11h which unfortunately falls right in the middle of finals for my master's program, we're praying that the baby comes early or late, as to avoid labor in the middle of class. We found out recently that we are having a boy. We are thrilled! I don't think any of us could handle another girl at this point. He is healthy and measuring bigger than average, which should be interesting considering my size.

The kids are going back to public school next week. They are in a place that they are both ready to get back to regular school instead o being at home with mom/teacher. Kurt and I are also ready for that transition. Micah will be playing club soccer this year. So our weekends will be filled traveling from game to game. Hannah has discovered a love and talent for swimming. She will be taking more intense year round lessons to prepare for swim team when she turns seven.

Kurt is working very hard, all the time. We are very thankful for his job and that it allows me to be at home. This fall I will return to Lipscomb for my third semester in my professional counseling program. I am very anxious to get back to studying and seeing my friends.

We had a great summer with a trip to San Diego, church camp, swim team, vacation bible school, and soccer. Here are some pics from this summer.

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