Sunday, April 18, 2010

Adoption Update

Many people have asked us how our adoption is going so here it is:
4/19/10-We are sending our application to US Immigration to get approval to bring an orphan into the country. It usually takes about 6 weeks to approval.

By the end of April-We hope to have all of our legal paperwork (Dossier) ready to send to our agency. Along with this comes a fee of over $10,000. (Not quite sure where it is all going to come from, so buy T-shirts to help us out)

Currently we are applying for grants but they take a while to process and get approved.

The most recent update on how our "Aggie" is doing:
No major medical issues lately but he does have some very serious special needs that will impact him for the rest of his life. We found out recently that there are no surgeries currently available that can help him. Bottom-line is we need to get him home as soon as possible to get him the interventions he needs.

What you can do:
Tell everyone you know about our fundraiser. There will be a new shirt design coming out soon.
Pray that he stays healthy until we can get him home safely.

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