Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hannah did it!!

She rode her bike by herself today, without falling!!! A little background on this event, Hannah has had her training wheels off since mid summer of 08. She had a couple crazy falls (inches away from her face hitting the curb) and decided she was too scared to ride in the road. She will usually only ride on the grass which she does like a champ, only in a straight line of course. So today, the first day we've been outside in weeks she agreed to try riding on the street. After riding up and down the street several times with my hand on her bottom to give the illusion of me helping, I let go completely and she did it!!! She made it half way down our street with the Maggie dog following her and Micah cheering her on. She didn't want to take any chances though, so she was all done riding for the day after that. Great job bug!!!!

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