Thursday, January 14, 2010

One step closer

We are busy doing paperwork and getting the money together to bring home our baby boy. Although we can't share too much, we need to get him home soon so he can get treatment as soon as possible. We appreciate your prayers and help in spreading the word about our adoption. Our first adoption fundraiser ever started today. When you buy a t-shrit 50% of the price goes directly to Christian World Adoption for the adoption of our baby. we are very grateful for any help you can give us in telling your friends and family about our fundraiser. Right now we are almost finished with our home study paperwork and then it's on to the dossier. Micah and Hannah are super excited about bringing home a baby from Ethiopia, of course Kurt and I are too. Thanks for all your prayers and support.

1 comment:

hrgottlieb said...

If you are looking for new Christian Fundraiser Ideas I strongly recommend you get in touch with Easy Fundraising Ideas. They have a very wide assortment of fundraisers that have been used successfully throughout the United States.